Develop healthier relationships with food, others, and yourself.

Personalized, board-certified wellness coaching that uncovers what’s holding you back so you can thrive.

Why Wellness Coaching?

We all need extra support at times. Behavior change-focused wellness coaching helps you discover patterns, consider challenges, brainstorm solutions, and create realistic goals that help you get from where you are now to where you want to be.

What to expect from coaching

Every session begins with a check-in on how you’re feeling and how your goals are going. Then we dig into a topic of your choice, whether it’s building on an existing goal, or exploring why a previous goal hasn’t worked and what we could change.

Learn more about coaching around food, thoughts, and navigating change and what to expect.

Meet Sue, your board-certified wellness coach

Hi! I’m a Registered Nurse and Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach. I believe that both nursing and health coaching have commonalities; the foundation of both is to provide care and support.

Knowing that our behaviors and lifestyle play a HUGE role in our overall health, I quickly became passionate about learning the skills necessary to help people shift out of habits and behaviors that aren’t supporting their wellness, and empowering them to integrate the ones that do, into their lives.

Learn more.

Last fall I knew that I wanted to make a lot of changes in my life, but I wasn't even certain that change was possible!  Working with Sue gave me the space and support I needed to imagine the life I wanted and build a plan to move forward. Her coaching enabled me to discard unhelpful narratives, identify my own next right steps, and celebrate the wins along the way!  Thanks to Sue's steady, thoughtful approach, I am no longer okay with settling for an existence in which I'm always in survival mode. I have already reached a number of my personal goals and am well on my way to creating a life that is filled with calm, joy, and meaning. 

— Sue T, Client

Start building healthier habits, today